The story of Beamat began in 2009, when our company brought together in an initial nucleus some very experienced sale agents. The aim was to provide consultancy and commercial assistance to companies specialized in the Oil&Gas, power generation, renewable energies and innovative processes markets. This activity still continues today with the "Products" division.
In 2012 Beamat signed an agreement with a multinational company for services addressed to the same markets of the Products division. To follow this new activity, the "Services" division was created. In a short time Beamat Services reaches excellent sales volumes to several important customers, also winning multi-million dollar tenders.
In 2015 Beamat realizes that staff training is complementary to the provision of services. Thus, the "Training" division has been established, to offer professional courses. Its customers are not operating only in the sectors traditionally part of the markets followed by Beamat, but in any kind of market. The successes and certifications obtained testify to Beamat's excellence and competence in the field of professional training.
As a result of the strong demand from schools and common people for specific courses related to digital transformation, in 2018 the "Educational" division was born. Beamat Educational aims to help everyone, from students to senior citizens, to live in the new digital world, which is increasingly participatory and active.
Four divisions but one same purpose: to help build a better future for everyone!